Indi Rahmawati Profile
Indi Rahmawati suddenly became famous after the National Police Headquarters denounce this TVOne presenter to Press Council over alleged fake markus news. Indi interviewed a freelance in the entertainment media, Andris Ronaldi. Andris claims paid Rp. 1.5 million to perform at the event in TV0ne Apa Kabar Indonesia.Name : Indy Rachmawati
Nick : Indy
Lahir : Bandung, 01 April 1971
Hobi : Fotografi
Occupation : Journalist => News Achor dan Producer
Active in Journalist : 1999 – present
Favorite food : kepiting
Career :
* TVone
Program tv :
*Apa Kabar Indonesia Pagi (Senin hingga Jumat pukul 07.00-09.00 WIB)